The murder of doctors Diego Bomfim, Marcos Corsato and Perseu Almeida, this Thursday (5), was news in some international media, which highlighted the relationship between one of the victims and federal deputy Sâmia Bomfim (PSOL-SP), pointing to the possibility of a political motivation for the crime.

The diary The Guardian was the most incisive in its approach, stating in the title that “three doctors are shot dead in Brazil in a suspected politically motivated attack”.

The London newspaper’s article emphasized the fact that Diego Bomfim was Sâmia Bomfim’s brother, recalled that the parliamentarian is from the same party as councilor Marielle Franco, murdered in 2018, and added that “five years later (Marielle’s crime), in Last July, Brazil’s Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, said that the murder was linked to paramilitary groups that control vast areas of the city of Rio de Janeiro.”

The victims were attacked during the early hours of the morning in a kiosk on the beachfront, in the Barra da Tijuca region. Witnesses assure that the perpetrators of the crime did not say they were attacking and already arrived shooting at the four doctors who were sitting at a table – a fourth target of the attack, Daniel Proença, is still alive, but hospitalized in a serious condition. Videos from security cameras corroborate this version.

Among the other foreign media that reported the execution, the Russian agency RT it even included a video from security cameras showing the moment of the attack on the doctors. The text states that “the victims were from São Paulo and traveled to the city of Rio de Janeiro to attend an international medical conference”, in addition to informing that the camera images indicated at least 20 shots were fired during the action.

The news agency Reutersreported the fact, highlighting a statement by the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, saying that “given the hypothesis that the execution was linked to the political activity of two federal deputies, I determined that the Federal Police monitor the investigations”.


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