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At least 40 civilians were murdered in a refugee camp in Rafah by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in a new bombing of the Gaza Strip, two days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered the suspension of military operations in the city south of the enclave.

Since the decision of the court, the highest of the United Nations (UN), last Friday (24), it is already the second day of attacks on Rafah, the last refuge of around 1.4 million Palestinians who had their homes and neighborhoods reduced to ruins.

The Gaza Ministry of Health stated that there have been more than 200 deaths since the bombings began last Saturday (25).

Local sources from the Palestinian agency WAFA reported that at least eight missiles hit a camp for displaced people located in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, northwest of the city of Rafah.

Reports say that there were at least eight missiles that impacted the tents of displaced families, recently installed near the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), in the neighborhood.

The camp has thousands of homeless people and had already been declared a “safe zone” for families by the Zionist military forces.

The attack orchestrated by the far-right coalition, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is being classified as yet another massacre by the international press and humanitarian organizations.

The International Palestinian Red Crescent Movement reported that they had transferred a large number of dead bodies and injured people from the camp’s tents. Health workers declared that the victims were “burned alive”, most of them women and children.

The organization Action Aid UK estimated to the American network ABC News that the fatalities must exceed 50 dead. “Children, women and men were burned alive in their shelter tents,” they declared.

The Zionists invoked the right to self-defense to justify yet another carnage and claimed that the airstrike was in response to attacks by Hamas. Earlier, on Sunday morning (26), the Islamic group fired rockets from Rafah in the direction of Tel Aviv, about 100 km from the economic capital of the Jewish State.

The Israeli army claimed to have identified eight projectiles, most of which were intercepted. No civilians were killed or injured in Tel Aviv and, according to Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, rocket fragments fell on the roof of a house in the city of Herzliya.

“An IDF aircraft struck a Hamas compound in Rafah, where important Hamas terrorists operated. The attack was carried out against legitimate targets under international law, using precise munitions and based on accurate intelligence indicating Hamas’ use of the area,” the military said.

“The IDF is aware of reports that indicate that as a result of the attack and the fire that was unleashed, several civilians in the area were injured. The incident is under review,” he said.

The number of people killed by Zionist revenge after October 7 reached 35,984, while the number of injured exceeded 80,643. It is estimated that thousands of people remain missing under the rubble, with their remains scattered on the roads or in clandestine mass graves.

Netanyahu doubles bet after ICJ decision and Spain, Ireland and Norway recognize Palestine

Two days after the ICJ’s decision, last Friday (24), the bombing of the camp in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood is already the second attack on Rafah following international pressure against Israeli military maneuvers in the city south of Gaza.

The decision by the UN’s highest court responded to an emergency request presented by the South African government, which accuses Israeli forces of genocide in Gaza.

According to the ICJ, Israel must “immediately halt the military offensive and any other action in Rafah that imposes living conditions on Palestinians in Gaza that could provoke their total or partial physical destruction,” the ICJ decision states.

In another international court of justice, prosecutors from the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders. Germany stated that it will arrest Benjamin Netanyahu if there is an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court against him and the Israeli leader enters the country led by Olaf Scholz.

Pressure from the international community and justice bodies in international courts has been cornering the far-right coalition, which doubled its bet last weekend.

Between Saturday (25) and Sunday (26), the IDF launched more than 60 airstrikes in Gaza, killing more than 200 Palestinians. In another move to block Netanyahu, Spain, Ireland and Norway joined the 140 countries that recognize Palestine as a state.

Find out more: Netanyahu’s coalition splits amid protests in Tel Aviv
Find out more: International Criminal Court requests Netanyahu’s arrest for war crimes


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