Brice Oligui Nguema should stay in power for 3 years until new elections; military junta took power in the country on August 30

The leader of the military group that overthrew the government of Gabon, General Brice Oligui, officially assumed power this Monday (September 4, 2023). The military was sworn in as interim president and applauded by supporters.

Brice Oligui succeeds Ali Bongo, re-elected president of Gabon in the August 26 elections. Bongo had been in office since 2009, but his family has held power in the African country since 1967.

The ceremony was broadcast on state TV in the country, Gabon 1st. In the speech, General Oligui promised to return power to civilians in “free and transparent elections”but did not set a date.

Nguema also proposed a reform of Gabon’s constitution, new electoral and penal codes, and measures to prioritize local banks and businesses for economic development.

He also stated that political exiles would be welcomed back and political prisoners would be released.

coups in africa

On August 30, a group of senior military officers from Gabon took powershortly after the country’s electoral body announced that Ali Bongo had won the elections, securing his 3rd term.

“Today, the country is going through a serious institutional, political, economic and social crisis”the military said, adding that the August 26 elections lacked transparency and credibility. “On behalf of the Gabonese people, we have decided to defend peace, putting an end to the current regime”they completed.

The officers introduced themselves as members of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions. In addition to the government, the Senate, the National Assembly and the Constitutional Court were dismissed.

this was the 7th coup which countries on the African continent had in 2 years. Here’s the list:

Find out how and when the coups took place and what the situation is today:

  • Chad, 21.Apr.2021 – The intervention took place to ensure the governance of General Mahamat Idriss Déby after the death of his father, Idriss Déby, who had governed the country for 3 decades. Idriss died on April 20, 2021. The military said the elected government and National Assembly were dissolved and the Transitional Military Council led by Mahamat would preside over the nation for 18 months. The opposition talks about a coup d’état. Mahamat Idriss Déby continues as president;
  • Mali, 24.May.2021 – President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was overthrown on 18 August 2020 after a political crisis in the country. The military arrested him on May 24, 2021 following the appointment of a new transitional government which they disapproved of. Assimi Goïta was sworn in as transitional president in June 2022. The country approved a new constitution in June 2023. The opposition, however, says the vote on the law was designed to keep the junta in power beyond the presidential election, scheduled for February 2024;
  • Guinea, 5.Sep.2021 – A group of soldiers led by Mamady Doumbouya, responsible for the Special Forces of Guinea, overthrew the government of President Alpha Condé. He also dissolved the country’s institutions and suspended the Constitution. The provisional government continues to lead the country;
  • Sudan, 25.Oct.2021 – The military led by the current president, Abdel Fatah al-Burhan, expelled the transitional civilian leaders. They allegedly led the country towards democracy after 30 years of dictatorship by Omar al-Bashir, ousted in 2019. Sudan has been at war since April 15, 2023 with the power struggle between al-Burhan and the commander of the Forces of Paramilitary Fast Support, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo. Local authorities estimate that the conflict has already left 5,000 dead;
  • Burkina Faso, 30.Sep.2022 – The military announced on January 24, 2022 that they had taken power and deposed President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré. On February 16, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba was sworn in as president, but was ousted on September 30. Captain Ibrahim Traoré took over as transitional president until the presidential election, scheduled for July 2024. The promise is that the election should allow civilians to return to power;
  • Niger, July 26, 2023 – Military members of the presidential guard announced that they had overthrown democratically elected president Mohamed Bazoum. He had been in power since April 2, 2021. According to the military, the measure was taken because of the “continuous deterioration of the security situation” in the country. The military is currently proposing a 3-year transition period until powers are returned to civilians. The current president of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland is Abdourahamane Tchiani;
  • Gabon, 30.Aug.2023 – The military seized power and announced the house arrest of President Ali Bongo Ondimba shortly after the country’s electoral body announced that he had won the August 26 elections and secured a 3rd term. According to the Electoral Center of Gabon, Ali Bongo Ondimba won with 64.27% of the votes, against 30.77% of his main rival, Albert Ondo Ossa. Ondimba is accused of “high treason against state institutions” and embezzlement of funds. The August 26 election was questioned by the opposition, who say there was fraud. He had been in power since 2009 when his father, Omar Bongo, died. Omar was in power from 1967 to 2009.


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