Group of 34 people entered the 7th list of those authorized to leave the Palestinian territory and are now awaiting authorization to enter Egypt
The Brazilian government reported that Egypt closed the border with Gaza again this Friday (10.Nov.2023). Minister Mauro Vieira (Foreign Affairs) stated that the expectation was that Brazilians would leave on Wednesday (Nov 8), but that no one, from any country, had left Gaza for 3 days. According to him, there is no way to predict when citizens will be able to leave Gaza even if they are on the list.
Earlier, the Brazilian embassy in Palestine released the 7th list of those authorized to cross the border, including the group of 34 Brazilians who were being monitored by the government. 24 Brazilians and 10 Palestinians who are in the process or will begin immigration may leave.
“They were going to leave this morning, but they didn’t leave again, despite having been mobilized to the checkpoint area, they couldn’t pass because the checkpoint wasn’t opened. We are sure, we hope that these names will be authorized to pass as soon as possible”said Vieira.
In total, 588 people are authorized to leave the Gaza Strip under the new list. In addition to the 34 members of the Brazilian group, the list includes citizens from the United States (14), Canada (265), Romania (101), Indonesia (6), Poland (26), Russia (82), India (7), Albania (14), China (10), Denmark (5), Germany (8), Netherlands (2), New Zealand (12) and Malaysia (2).
The minister also said that the names of the Brazilians had already been with the local authorities for two or three weeks and that the release also depends on authorization from Israel.
“Some nationals from third countries passed, the Brazilians, the lists have been there for two or 3 weeks with both sides and Israel does have a definitive say in relation to who leaves. There are Israeli soldiers in Gaza”he stated.
There is no information on when the group will cross the border, according to Vieira, as it is a region in conflict, it is not possible to specify when the Brazilians will be released. A Brazilian government plane is in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, waiting to bring the group to Brazil.
“The situation in Gaza does not allow me to say whether it will be today, or tomorrow, or when, it is a region in conflict and there are countless issues that make opening difficult”these.
Palestinian naturalized Brazilian, Hasan Rabee published, at 2:52 am Brasília, a photo on his profile on Instagram. He is at the crossing between Rafah (Gaza) and Egypt and wrote: “At the border waiting for the opening”.
Six lists of people allowed to cross the border had already been published:
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/fronteira-de-gaza-e-fechada-e-retorno-de-brasileiros-e-adiado/