It is the first trip by a former Taiwanese leader to the country since 1949; current president goes to the US on wednesday

The former president of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou, 73 years old, began this Monday (27.Mar.2023) a historic 12-day visit to China. It is the 1st trip of a former Taiwanese leader to the country since 1949, when the end of the Chinese Revolution established the division between the 2 countries.

He landed at Shanghai airport, where he was met by Chinese officials. In Beijing, Ma Ying-jeou is expected to talk to exchange students and visit tombs of ancestors buried in China, according to the news agency. Reuters.

The former president also said he wanted to work towards the relaxation of relations between Chinese and Taiwanese. “I hope to improve the cross-strait atmosphere through the enthusiastic interactions of young people, so that peace will come to us faster and sooner”he stated.

Watch the moment of the disembarkation of the former president of Taiwan:

Ma Ying-jeou is a senior member of the opposition party Kuomintang from Taiwan. He already held a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Singapore in late 2015, shortly before his country elected current President Tsai Ing-wen.

Tsai will also have an international agenda this week. She must visit USA on Wednesday (29.Mar.2023) and on to other countries in Central America.

In 1949, Taiwan became independently governed after the end of the Chinese Revolution, a period of civil war in the country. China, however, considers the island part of its territory in the form of a “dissident province”. In the Chinese interpretation, if the island attempts independence, it must be forcibly stopped.

The departure of the former Taiwanese leader takes place one day after Honduras romper with Taiwan and resume diplomatic relations.


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