Exhibition at the federation museum states that the green and yellow of the team’s uniform “got confused” with politics

An exhibition at the FIFA Museum (International Football Federation), in Zurich (Switzerland), presents two shirts from the Brazilian team and says that the pieces came to be confused as political items by the “extreme right” and for “supporters” by Jair Bolsonaro (PL). The exhibition is temporary and has been approved by FIFA. The description was written by the entity itself.

The exhibition shows two t-shirts used as the team’s uniform: one white with blue details released in 2019 and the other green and yellow from the 1950s.

In the description of the pieces, the Museum says that the “distinctive” green and yellow colors of the shirt became “get confused” with politics and the t-shirt was “appropriated by supporters of former far-right president Jair Bolsonaro”.


Description displayed next to the Brazilian team’s shirts at the FIFA Museum (read the translation below)

Here is the translation of the description:

New generations and contexts bring new meanings to colors. At the 2019 Copa América, Brazil’s iconic canary yellow jersey was replaced with a commemorative edition of the historic white and blue set as they took home the title. In recent years, Brazil’s distinctive yellow and green kit has become intertwined with politics while the shirt has been appropriated by supporters of far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro.

According to the FIFA Museum, the pieces are not part of the institution’s permanent exhibition on the history and culture of international football and the federation’s tournaments.

They are part of a special exhibition, which will be on display until February 25th, entitled “Designing the Beautiful Game” (“Designing the Beautiful Game”, in the free translation). It was developed in collaboration with the Design Museum in London, but was curated by the FIFA Museum.

Although the exhibition is a collaboration, the FIFA Museum was the author of the description of the shirts (in the image above).

“This special exhibition explores the history of how design has been used to develop football and explores defining moments in football history through 3 main sections: performance, identity and crowds”said the FIFA Museum to the Poder360.

[As camisetas] they were selected and displayed to show how shirts and their colors and meanings in football can create identities among football fans, but can sometimes also be used as part of other initiatives within a wider society, due to the strong sense of belonging that create”declared the institution.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/brasil/fifa-diz-que-extrema-direita-se-apropriou-de-camisa-do-brasil/

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