The extreme right’s plans to hold an international meeting with the presence of leaders such as former presidents Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil) and Donald Trump (USA) are over. This Thursday (4), the Portuguese ultraconservative party Chega announced the indefinite postponement of the World Summit of the Right, scheduled for May 13 and 14, at the Lisbon Congress Center.

“As a result of events that we are all following and that everyone has been able to see, especially in the last few days, Chega will have to suspend and reschedule the scheduled World Summit on Rights for a later date”, said, in a recorded video, the leader of the Portuguese caption, Andre Ventura. According to him, names like Trump and Bolsonaro have been the target of “persecution” and “maneuvers”.

With regard to the former Brazilian president, Ventura lied when he said that there was “seizure and retention of his passport, preventing him from traveling a few days before the summit took place”. The organizer of the far-right event even dared to say that the Federal Police operation against Bolsonaro was a “surgical attack” to coincide with the date of the trip – which makes no sense at all.

“Our indignation is great”, staged Ventura, denouncing an alleged “spirit of aggression, conditioning and threat that reigns in certain countries and that they want to do against the world right”. The video concludes with a promise to reschedule the event: “Perhaps they have managed to force us to suspend this summit for now – but we are going to organize it again with more strength and firmness”.

There is no “persecution” or “spirit of aggressiveness”, but rather a settlement of accounts with Justice. The leaders cited by Ventura are targets of judicial sieges that are not only justified – but potentially devastating for their respective political careers.

Trump is under a civil trial in New York, in the United States, because he is accused by the writer E. Jean Carroll, a former columnist for the magazine Elle, of rape and defamation. The crime took place in the dressing room of a Bergdorf Goodman department store in the 1990s.

The tycoon had asked Carroll for help buying lingerie as a gift. The story surfaced in 2019, when Trump served his third year at the head of the White House. The trial began a week ago and, according to his defense, Trump will not testify in person or call witnesses.

Bolsonaro, in turn, suffers from Operation Venice, which included the execution of a search and seizure warrant at his home. When Bolsonaro was still in Planalto, his allies defrauded his vaccination card against Covid-19. In addition to the former president, false data was also inserted in the certificates of his 12-year-old daughter and advisors.


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