Montage created by artificial intelligence was even shared by communication vehicles, such as Vogue Brasil

An image of Pope Francis wearing a long, voluminous white coat went viral on social media, especially on Twitter, between Saturday (25.Mar.2023) and this Sunday (26.Mar). However, the record is not real. It is a montage made using the AI ​​(artificial intelligence) program Midjourney.

The image was published for the 1st time in the “r/midjourney” forum of the social network Reddit. See below the images created by AI:

The false image was even shared by press vehicles, such as Vogue Brazil, from Grupo Globo. On its website, the fashion magazine published an article entitled “Pope Francis is dressed by Filipo Sorcinelli and draws attention with a fashionable coat”, on Saturday (25.Mar) at 4:48 pm.

The content was even republished on the cover of, with the following title: “Pope Francis goes viral when wearing a white, midi jacket full of details: ‘Very iconic’”.

This Sunday morning (26.Mar), Vogue Brasil published a retraction in your profile on Twitter and the link to the “correct note”.

An artificial intelligence program created by an independent research laboratory, Midjourney was also responsible for the images of former US President Donald Trump being arrested in New York. The episode took place on Thursday (23.Mar).


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