Foreign investors withdrew R$10.3 billion from the Stock Exchange in April; the US currency fell 1.60% in the week

Ibovespa, the main index of B3 (São Paulo Stock Exchange), closed at 126,526 points this Friday (April 26, 2024). It registered an increase of 1.51% in the last trading session. During the week, it increased 1.12%. The commercial dollar closed at R$5.12, down 0.89%. During the week, it fell 1.60%.

In the United States, the Dow Jones rose 0.40% this Friday (April 26). The S&P 500 advanced 1.02%.

Used to measure confidence in the economy, country risk, or CDS (Credit Default Swap) 5 years old, recorded 151 points this Friday (April 26). 1 year ago (April 26, 2023), it registered 227.

Read the trajectory of Brazil’s risk since 2018 in the graph below:

Foreign investors withdrew R$10.3 billion from the Stock Exchange this month until Wednesday (April 24), the latest data available. For the year, the balance is negative at R$33.1 billion. When considering primary offerings (IPOs) and secondary offerings (follow-ons), the result is negative at R$31.9 billion.


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