In a letter sent to the president, personalities, politicians and parties claim that a measure is necessary for a humanitarian pause in the war in Gaza

A letter signed by public figures, such as singer Chico Buarque, and politicians, such as former Minister of the Civil House José Dirceu, was sent to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) with the request for Brazil to stop importing and export military equipment to Israel.

The measure is defended as a way of pressuring the country led by Benjamin Netanyahu to take a humanitarian pause in the war in the Gaza Strip so that peace negotiations can be held. Read the full text (537 kB – PDF).

The document was prepared by Amnesty International and the Jewish Voices for Liberation collective, made up of non-Zionist Jews who work to defend the rights of Palestinians.

“We call on the Brazilian State to immediately suspend all Defense agreements with Israel and export and import licenses for military equipment maintained with Israel, given the risk that they could be used in the practice or facilitation of serious violations of International Law Humanitarian, including war crimes, in the Gaza Strip”, says the text.

In addition to Dirceu and Chico Buarque, rapper Emicida, writer Milton Hatoum, former Minister of Human Rights Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, filmmaker Petra Costa and professor Vladimir Safatle, among others, also signed the letter.

In the political field, PC do B, Psol, PSTU and UP are also signatories of the document, as well as the movements Frente Povo Sem Medo, Movimento Negro Unificado and MST (Landless Workers Movement).

The text lists recommendations that the Brazilian government should follow to pressure Israel to follow international determinations, especially from the UN Security Council (United Nations) and the International Court of Justice. Both had Brazil’s agreement and determined measures for Israel to prevent the genocide of Palestinians and war crimes. The document says that the Israeli government did not comply with the determinations.

“This scenario calls for effective action by the Brazilian government to stop the ongoing offensive and mobilize the international system to take collective measures consistent with International Law and the promotion of human rights”says the text.

The document asks the Brazilian government to use all forms of influence to pressure Israel, implement an arms embargo on the country, and consider adopting more effective measures at the international level. They also ask that any person subject to Brazilian jurisdiction who is involved in crimes committed in the conflict in Gaza be prosecuted, tried and held criminally responsible.

Read the list of those who signed the letter:

Political parties:

Public figures:

  • Ana Prestes, sociologist;
  • Arlene Clemesha, professor;
  • Breno Altman, journalist;
  • Carol Proner, jurist;
  • Chico Buarque, artist;
  • Emicide, artist;
  • Jones Manoel, communicator;
  • José Dirceu de Oliveira e Silva, former minister of the Civil House;
  • Milton Hatoum, writer;
  • Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, former Minister of Human Rights;
  • Petra Costa, filmmaker;
  • Reginaldo Nasser, professor;
  • Salem Nasser, professor;
  • Vladimir Pinheiro Safatle, professor;
  • Petra Costa, filmmaker.

Policies and politicians:

  • Feminist Bench – Alesp (Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo) and SP Chamber;
  • Camila Valadão, state deputy (Psol-ES);
  • Débora Lima, president of Psol-SP;
  • Ediane Maria, state deputy (Psol-SP);
  • Eduardo Suplicy, state deputy (PT-SP);
  • Erika Hilton, federal deputy (Psol-SP);
  • Fabio Felix, district deputy (Psol-DF);
  • Fernanda Melchionna, federal deputy (Psol-RS);
  • Glauber Braga, federal deputy (Psol-RJ);
  • Jandira Feghali, federal deputy (PC do B-RJ);
  • João Daniel, federal deputy (PT-MG);
  • Josemar Carvalho, state deputy (Psol-RJ);
  • Juliana Cardoso, federal deputy (PT-SP);
  • Jurandir Silva (Psol), councilor of Pelotas (RS);
  • Leleco Pimentel, state deputy (PT-MG);
  • Luana Alves, councilor of SP (Psol);
  • Luciana Genro, state deputy (Psol-RS);
  • Luizianne Lins, federal deputy (PT-CE);
  • Mariana Conti (Psol), councilor of Campinas (SP);
  • Mônica Seixas, state deputy (Psol-SP);
  • Nilto Tatto, federal deputy (PT-SP);
  • Padre João, federal deputy (PT-MG);
  • Pastor Henrique Vieira, federal deputy (Psol-RS);
  • Roberto Robaina, councilor (Psol-RS);
  • Sâmia Bomfim, federal deputy (Psol-SP);
  • Silvia Ferraro (Psol), councilor of São Paulo;
  • Simão Pedro, state deputy (PT-SP);
  • Toninho Vespoli (Psol), PT councilor; It is
  • Vivi Reis, former federal deputy (Psol-PA).


  • Popular Brigades;
  • People Without Fear Front;
  • Popular Brazil Movement;
  • MNU (Unified Black Movement)
  • Independent Movement Mothers of May;
  • MST;
  • MTST (Homeless Workers Movement);
  • UEE-SP (State Union of Students of São Paulo);
  • UNE (National Union of Students).

Palestinian Cause:

  • Arabs and Jews for Peace;
  • Left Jewish Articulation;
  • ESPP-PUC SP (Students in Solidarity with the Palestinian People);
  • ESPP-USP SP (Students in Solidarity with the Palestinian People);
  • Fepal (Palestinian Arab Federation of Brazil);
  • Palestinian Latin Forum;
  • Front in Defense of the Palestinian People;
  • Ibrapasl (Brazil Palestine Institute);
  • Sanaúd Youth;
  • Alkarama Movement for Palestinian women;
  • BDS Brazil Movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions);
  • Alternative Revolutionary Palestinian Path Movement;
  • University Network of Solidarity with the Palestinian People;
  • Samidoun solidarity network for Palestinian prisoners.

Unions/Union centers:

  • Andes (National Union of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions);
  • CSP-Conlutas;
  • CUT (Central Única dos Trabalhadores) Brazil;
  • CUT São Paulo;
  • Sasp (Union of Architects in the State of São Paulo);
  • Union of Subway Workers of São Paulo;
  • Sindsep – Union of Municipal Employees of São Paulo.

Other organizations:

  • Adala Iepê – legal collective for the Liberation of Palestine;
  • APNs (Black Pastoral Agents of Brazil);
  • Apib (Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil);
  • Cebrapaz (Brazilian Center for Solidarity with People and the Fight for Peace);
  • CAPol (Academic Center for Public Policies at the Federal University of ABC;
  • Ciranda Shared Communication;
  • Marielle Vive Feminist Collective;
  • Conen (Collective of Black Entities);
  • String of Lies;
  • CST;
  • Sigma Academic Directory of the Federal University of ABC;
  • Fened (National Federation of Law Students);
  • ISL (Instituto Silvia Lane);
  • PSOL insurgency;
  • Together!;
  • Amnesty Never Again Collective Manifesto;
  • World March of Women;
  • MES-Psol;
  • MNLDPSR (National Movement to Fight in Defense of the Homeless Population);
  • Memo (Middle East Monitor);
  • PT Base Nucleus in the National Congress;
  • Paraibano Anti-Racism Observatory;
  • Brazilian Communist Party – Revolutionary Reconstruction;
  • PPRI (Proletarian Revolutionary Internationalist Party);
  • ProMigra (Project to Promote Migrant Rights);
  • Psol Socialist Revolution;
  • RUA – Anticapitalist Youth;
  • Subvert/Psol;
  • Crossing – USP Law;
  • Communist Youth Union;
  • Socialist Youth Union;
  • United to Fight;
  • Ecocultural Plant.


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