The country’s Federal Constitutional Court suspended the transfer for 6 years; STF minister says it is “defense of freedom”

The minister of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) Flávio Dino used social media this Sunday (April 14, 2024) to praise the German Justice after the decision that cut funds from Nazi parties. In Publicationsaid that the measure takes place in “defense of freedom”.

In the post, the magistrate shared reports that detailed the decision. “Important decision in defense of freedom”these.

According to the German newspaper German waveGermany’s subsidies to the right-wing party The Fatherland -new name of the neo-Nazi acronym National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), were suspended by the Federal Constitutional Court for 6 years. Tax exemption was also removed.

In 2024, the party did not receive public money because it did not reach a minimum percentage of votes in the elections. However, it still benefited from the tax exemption, says the report.

In the decision, the Court considered that the agenda defended by the party threatens the fundamental order of freedom and democracy. The decision was described as unprecedented by the newspaper and should influence the scenario of other acronyms.


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