This Sunday (24), the Cuban government reported a terrorist attack against the Cuban embassy in Washington. Two Molotov cocktails were thrown at the building by an individual whose identity has not yet been revealed. No injuries to employees were reported.

“This evening (24), the Cuban Embassy in the USA was the target of a terrorist attack by an individual who threw two Molotov cocktails. There was no damage to personnel. Details are being clarified”, wrote the Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, on social media.

Furthermore, the Minister of Foreign Affairs denounced that “anti-Cuban groups resort to terrorism when they feel unpunished.” He said US authorities had been warned “repeatedly” that this type of attack could occur.

Despite this, according to the information obtained by the Brazil in fact through sources involved in activities in New York, US authorities did not reinforce security measures at the Cuban embassy.

In 2021, former US President Donald Trump added Cuba to the list of countries designated by the US as “state sponsors of terrorism”. This inclusion remains in effect to this day. The measure interrupted not only trade, but also the supply of essential products such as fuel and medicine to the country. Unilateral inclusion on the list is denounced by most UN member countries as a violation of international law.

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For her part, the Cuban ambassador to the United States, Lianys Torres Rivera, said that “we immediately communicated with the North American authorities, who had access to the mission to collect samples of the Molotov cocktails.”

This is not the first attack on the Cuban embassy in the USA. In April 2020, a 42-year-old man armed with an assault rifle opened fire outside the Cuban embassy, ​​shooting into the walls and columns of the facade and the main entrance.

Díaz-Canel’s trip to New York

The attack occurred just hours after President Miguel Díaz-Canel returned to Havana, after attending the United Nations General Assembly as president pro tempore of the G77 and China. The Cuban president was one of the first speakers at the opening of the assembly.

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During his stay in New York, President Díaz-Canel held meetings with different sectors of the Cuban community living in the USA, as well as with representatives of civil society organizations. The meeting agenda included religious leaders, social activists, academics and professionals linked to science and technology, and even businesspeople.

On Friday (22), the official delegation met with representatives from the business sectors of the US Chamber of Commerce, the US Agricultural Coalition for Cuba, as well as several Cuban-American businesspeople, such as Mike Fernández, Ariel Pereda, Carlos Saladrigas , Ralph Patiño and Hugo Cancio.

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According to the Miami Herald, Havana officials said Cuba is considering allowing Cubans living abroad to invest and do business on the island.

The presence of the Cuban delegation generated mobilizations both in support of Cuba and in rejection of the Caribbean country’s government.

On the same Friday (22), one hundred people linked to different popular movements marched in New York City demanding the end of the blockade imposed by the United States against the socialist country. President Díaz-Canel joined the demonstration of solidarity.

On Saturday (23), he participated in the “Voices of Dignity: People vs Blockades” event. In a speech lasting just under an hour, Díaz Canel addressed an audience of hundreds of people who came to express their rejection of the blockade. He analyzed the harsh conditions faced by the Cuban people due to the blockade.

“We firmly believe, as Fidel taught us, that there is no power in the world that can defeat the power of truth and ideas,” Canel said, adding that Cubans will continue “by your side as you fight for Cuba, as you fight for socialism and while fighting for social justice.”

Editing: Patrícia de Matos


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