Works should begin in 2025, according to Webuild, responsible for the revitalization; the stadium is used by AC Milan and Inter Milan
The Giuseppe Meazza stadium in Italy, known as San Siro, is about to undergo modernization. Last Friday (June 21, 2024), Italian construction company Webuild presented a renovation plan for Palazzo Marino (Milan City Hall) to Inter Milan and AC Milan, Italian clubs that use the stadium.
The event was attended by important figures from the two Italian Serie A clubs and the mayor of the city of Milan, Giuseppe Sala. Led by Massimo Ferrari, general director of Webuild, the project estimates that works will begin in 2025.
The first tier of the San Siro is being modernised, including seating areas and interior spaces, to improve the fan experience. In addition, structural modernisation and the installation of new seating are planned for the second and third tiers.
One aspect of the project is the increase in the number of VIP and hospitality tickets, from 2,900 to almost 13,000, with estimates putting the total cost at around 400 million euros ($428.5 million).
The company also plans to improve access to the stadium and parking, as well as construct a new building that would house a museum, restaurants and other amenities.
The decision on the future of the project is in the hands of Inter and Milan, who have 10 days to make a decision, according to information from the Corriere della Sera.
Clubs are also evaluating alternative plans in Rozzano and San Donato. However, Webuild’s proposal, which promises to complete construction in three years without disturbing the game calendar, is considered more viable.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/poder-sportsmkt/construtora-apresenta-projeto-para-modernizar-o-estadio-san-siro/