Students will have the option to attend virtual classes until the end of the semester; Protests have been held at the university since April 17

Columbia University, in New York, in the United States, decided to extend the administration of virtual classes until the end of the semester, while pro-Palestine protests are held at the educational institution.

In a statement released on Monday (April 22, 2024), dean Angela Olinto announced that students will have the option to attend classes remotely on the institution’s main campus, Morningside, until April 29.

“Safety is our highest priority as we strive to support our students’ learning and all necessary academic operations”these.

Demonstrations against the war in the Gaza Strip began in Columbia on April 17, with students setting up camps on the university campus. The following day (18 April), the New York police arrested more than 100 people who were at the demonstration after the institution’s president, Minouche Shafik, authorized the police operation.

The demonstration was accused of anti-Semitism. However, the group organizing the protest said the attacks against Jews were carried out by “inflamed individuals” that do not represent them.

In addition to Columbia, Yale University and NYU (New York University) also register demonstrations in favor of Palestine.

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