Relations between Russia and the United States have improved in the last period, but the Joe Biden government continues to retaliate against the Chinese in an “absurd” way with unilateral sanctions. This is the opinion of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also a member of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China.

“The US has devised various tactics to contain China and has continued to increase its list of unilateral sanctions, reaching a disconcerting level of absurdity,” Wang declared this Thursday (7) to reporters in Beijing. According to the chancellor, the meeting between presidents Xi Jinping and Joe Biden, in California, in November, led to actions that “satisfied the desires of both countries and the world”.

Washington, however, continued to apply sanctions on China in the area of ​​technology by Washington. One of the objectives is to prevent China from advancing in semiconductor production. “It persistently monopolizes the top of the value chain and keeps China at the bottom. Where are justice and competition?” he asked. “If the US is obsessed with boycotting China, it will end up hurting itself.”

Regarding Russia, Wang declared that the partnership is positive for the world, as it advances “over time towards multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations”. Furthermore, it provides “positive interactions between the main countries”.

On the eve of Wang’s speech, North American congressmen presented a bill to strengthen the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (T-MEC), in counterpoint to China’s influence on the American continent. According to Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar, the proposal “will allow American companies that are currently in China to return to the USA and the rest of the hemisphere”.


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