Carrot Cake that comes out Stuffed

Make a Carrot Cake that comes out of the oven Stuffed! It’s a delicious recipe, check it out!

Carrot Cake that comes out Stuffed

Recipe by Caion Alves


Prep time


Cooking time



To prepare this Carrot Cake that comes out of the oven Stuffed, use the ingredients and follow the instructions in the preparation method.


  • 2 large carrots

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 cup of sugar

  • 150ml of oil

  • 2 cups of flour

  • 1 spoon of chemical yeast

  • 1 large chocolate bar

  • Granulated chocolate


  • In a blender, add 2 large carrots;
  • Add 3 eggs;
  • Add 1 cup sugar;
  • Add 150ml of oil;
  • Beat for 2 minutes;
  • Transfer to a bowl;
  • Add 2 cups flour;
  • Beat well;
  • Add 1 spoon of chemical yeast;
  • Transfer half the dough to a greased shape with flour;
  • Add 1 chocolate bar;
  • Add the rest of the dough;
  • Add granulated chocolate;
  • Take to preheated oven at 180 degrees for approximately 35 minutes;
  • Your carrot cake is ready and it comes out of the oven stuffed!

Recipe Video

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