UN Court ordered the country to guarantee the provision of basic services to the region

Brazil’s MRE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) praised, in a note published this Saturday (30.mar.2024), the decision of the ICJ (International Court of Justice) of Thursday (28.mar) which determined that Israel adopt additional measures to ensure the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

“The Brazilian government welcomes the adoption, on March 28, by the International Court of Justice, of new precautionary measures, within the scope of the process initiated by South Africa against Israel, based on the Convention for the Prevention and Suppression of the Crime of Genocide”said Itamaraty.

The ICJ is the main legal body of the UN (United Nations) that judges allegations of crimes against States.

The ministry declared that the measures determined by the ICJ have “binding character”which means that UN signatory countries have agreed to respect the Court’s decisions.

Still according to Itamaraty, “The Brazilian government hopes that [as medidas] can result in urgent humanitarian relief for Gaza and an environment of political dialogue that allows for a definitive ceasefire, the immediate release of all hostages and the resumption of negotiations towards a 2-State solution.”.

The Brazilian government said that the famine installed in Gaza killed “at least 31 people, including 27 children, due to malnutrition and dehydration, according to a recent report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs”.

Precautionary measures

Among the measures determined by the court is full cooperation with the UN for the unimpeded and large-scale provision of humanitarian assistance and the provision of basic services, increasing land crossing points into Gaza, which must remain open for as long as necessary. .

The court also demands that the Israeli military not commit acts that violate the rights of Palestinians and that the Israeli government submit to the court a report on the measures it has taken to comply with the ICJ’s order. Israel’s response must be submitted by April 28.

According to the decision, “the catastrophic living conditions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have further deteriorated, in particular because of the prolonged widespread deprivation of food and other basic needs to which Palestinians in Gaza have been subjected”. The court declared that “Palestinians in Gaza no longer only face the risk of hunger, according to the order of January 26, 2024, but hunger has set in”.


On December 29, 2023, South Africa filed a lawsuit with the ICJ accusing Israel of genocide. The action received support from several countries, including Brazil. Last Monday (25 March 2024), the UN rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, also denounced Israel for genocide in Gaza.

A group of experts supported by the UN warns that half of Gaza’s population, around 1.1 million people, is at risk of “catastrophic famine” in the Palestinian enclave. According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, acute malnutrition of children aged 6 months to 23 months increased from 16.2% to 29.2% from January to February 2024.

The Tel Aviv government denies the accusations. He says that South Africa and the UN special rapporteur distorted the situation in the Palestinian enclave, that the country respects international humanitarian law and that the war would be against Hamas, and not against the Palestinian people.

Data shows that 32,500 people have died and another 75,000 are injured after 175 days of war in the Gaza Strip. That number does not include the 8,000 bodies that local authorities in Gaza estimate are under the rubble of buildings bombed by Israel.

With information from Agência Brasil.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/brasil-elogia-corte-internacional-por-exigir-que-israel-tome-medidas-em-gaza/

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