The Brazilian government announced this Friday (14) the signing of 15 agreements with China. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) is in China and met his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping. The meeting took place at the Great Palace of the People, seat of the Chinese government.

The long-awaited meeting between the two heads of state included the signing of agreements in the areas of agribusiness, science and technology, communication, and others. Agreements were also signed between companies in both countries. According to projections by the Ministry of Finance, the agreements signed may total around R$ 50 billion in investments.

In the field of governments, mechanisms have been established for the exchange of electronic information on international health certificates for the export of products of animal origin; exchange of experiences on policies to combat hunger; a partnership between the National Space Administration of China (CNSA) and the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB); partnership for “television cooperation” and public communication agencies of the two countries; among other points.

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Brazil and China will continue their aerospace partnership with the launch of a new CBERS (Sino-Brazilian Terrestrial Resources Satellite Program) satellite. CBERS-6 will monitor the Amazon and promises to monitor deforestation in the region. Also in this regard, the two countries signed a joint declaration on climate change.

In the private area, the following agreements were established: there will be a study of the financial and technical viability of renewable energy projects (offshore, solar, blue and green hydrogen) at Porto do Açu, in Rio de Janeiro; Seara promised to buy 280 electric trucks from JAC Motors; the Bank of China promised credit for JBS exports; Suzano entered into an agreement with COSCO to build 5 ships to transport pulp; Banco BOCOM BBM announced its adhesion to CIPS (China Interbank Payment System), which is the Chinese alternative to Swift; between others.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these agreements are in addition to those announced during the Brazil-China Economic Seminar, on March 29, totaling more than 40 new partnerships.

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“Yesterday [quinta-feira (13/04)] we paid a visit to [empresa chinesa de telecomunicações] Huawei, in a demonstration we want to tell the world that we have no prejudice in our relations with the Chinese. Nobody is going to prohibit Brazil from improving its relationship with China,” Lula said during the meeting.

During the meeting with Lula, the Chinese president highlighted that both countries have “common interests”, are “important emerging markets” and can move towards a “new development paradigm”.

“It was with your attention [de Lula] and support that the China-Brazil relationship has made a big leap forward,” Xi said.

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See below the list of government agreements signed between the two countries:

  • Memorandum of Understanding on the Trade Facilitation Working Group
  • Complementary Protocol on the Joint Development of CBERS-6 to the ‘Framework Agreement on Cooperation in Peaceful Applications of Science and Technology from Outer Space’
  • Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in research and innovation
  • Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in information and communication technologies
  • Memorandum of understanding for the promotion of investment and industrial cooperation
  • Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Cooperation in Investments in the Digital Economy
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance of Brazil and the Ministry of Finance of China
  • Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Information and Communications
  • Television co-production agreement
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the China Media Group and the Brazilian Institutional Relations Secretariat
  • Cooperation agreement between Xinhua news agency and EBC (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação)
  • Memorandum of understanding on cooperation for social and rural development and combating hunger and poverty
  • 2023-2032 space cooperation plan between the National Space Administration of China and the Brazilian space agency
  • Cooperation work plan on electronic certification for products of animal origin
  • Protocol on sanitary and quarantine requirements for processed terrestrial animal protein to be exported from Brazil to China

Editing: Nicolau Soares


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