Photo: Reproduction

Brazil and China signed, this Thursday (23), a joint proposal for peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, countries that have been at war for more than two years.

The document was signed in Beijing by the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, and the head of the Special Advisor to the President of the Republic of Brazil, Celso Amorim.

The two parties call on all relevant actors to observe three principles to de-escalate the situation, namely:

  • non-expansion of the battlefield;
  • no escalation of fighting;
  • non-inflammation of the situation by any party

The two countries expressed support for the organization of an international peace conference, conditional on the recognition and equal participation of all parties involved in the conflict, including Russia and Ukraine.

“Both parties believe that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the crisis in Ukraine. All relevant actors must create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and promote de-escalation of the situation until a comprehensive ceasefire is reached,” the proposal states.

Additionally, Brazil and China proposed a ban on the use of weapons of mass destruction, with special emphasis on preventing nuclear proliferation and avoiding a nuclear crisis.


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