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Thousands of people protested in Budapest, near the Hungarian Parliament, on Tuesday (26), demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, after a former member of the government accused a senior adviser to the prime minister of trying to interfere in a case of corruption.

The protest comes after a former ally published audios of conversations between Orbán’s closest advisors, suggesting changes to accusations in the Justice and Public Prosecutor’s Office. Suspicions point to an alleged attempt by the government to interfere in justice.

It was at the Hungarian Embassy, ​​in Brasília, that Bolsonaro stayed in February — after being the target of a PF operation. Orbán is considered a reference by Bolsonarists, due to the way in which he came to control the Judiciary, Parliament, the press and the siege of civil society.

Still in power, Bolsonaro called the Hungarian his “brother” and, despite Hungary’s insignificant role on the international stage, Brasília put Budapest on the route of ministers of the former Brazilian government.

The controversy is just one of several that have shaken the far-right leader’s control in the Central European country. Previously, there was a stampede of government ministers after Orbán granted a pardon to a man arrested for covering up sexual abuse committed against a child in a state orphanage.

Leader of the conservative Fidesz party, Órban has been in power since 2010 and his government is considered autocratic. In 2022, he welcomed Bolsonaro to Hungary.

Find out more: STF gives Bolsonaro 48 hours to explain stay at embassy


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