Former president said he will lead the opposition and defend himself against accusations of encouraging acts of vandalism in Brasília
Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) said, in an interview with the North American newspaper Wall Street Journalwho will return to Brazil in March to lead the opposition against the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT).
According to the newspaper, Bolsonaro said he will defend himself against accusations that he encouraged the extremist acts that resulted in the invasion and destruction of the buildings in Praça dos Três Poderes. “I wasn’t even there and they want to blame me”declared to WSJ. On the date of the episode, on January 8, the former president was in Orlando, Florida (United States). He left Brazil 2 days before leaving the office of President of the Republic.
To the WSJ, the former chief executive said he disagreed with comparing the acts to a coup d’état against the Lula government. “Coup? What scam? Where was the commander? Where were the troops, where were the bombs?”he questioned.
In addition to talking about the invasion of Praça dos Três Poderes, Bolsonaro said that, upon returning to Brazil, he will support conservative candidates. However, he declared that he is undecided whether or not he will run for the Presidency of the Republic again. According to the former president, the work was “much more difficult” than he imagined.
Despite having said that he was looking forward to returning to the country, Bolsonaro said that a “arrest order can come out of nowhere”citing the case of his predecessor, former President Michel Temer (MDB), accused of corruption and arrested in March 2019, months after leaving the Planalto.
Bolsonaro has been the target of requests for an investigation, especially after the humanitarian crisis of the Yanomami in Roraima.
On January 22, PT deputies called the MPF (Federal Public Prosecution Service) to ask for the initiation of a criminal investigation to investigate the actions of the Bolsonaro government authorities in the territory. The document is a criminal representation for the lack of health care and severe malnutrition of the population.
In addition, Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the STF (Federal Supreme Court), included the former president in the investigations into acts with agendas considered undemocratic that led to the attacks on January 8.
The determination responds to a request from the PGR (Attorney General of the Republic), which cites a publication made by Bolsonaro on social networks, on January 10, questioning the result of the 2022 presidential elections.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/brasil/bolsonaro-diz-que-vai-retornar-ao-brasil-em-marco/