Photo: Daniel Berehulak/ New York Times

The Constitutional Court of Bolivia annulled, this Saturday (30), the possibility of a president or vice-president remaining in power for more than two terms, whether continuously or alternately.

Thus, the highest court of justice in the country removes former president Evo Morales from the presidential race in 2025. Morales accuses the right of conspiring to ban his candidacy.

“The restriction on the possibility of indefinite re-election is an appropriate measure to ensure that a person does not remain in power”, defines the 82-page sentence. The decision is based on a resolution from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IDH Court) and determines that indefinite re-election “is not a human right”.

The decision reverses another that, taken by the same court in 2017, considered re-election a “human right”.

Evo called the verdict, which he cannot appeal, a “political” decision. “This is proof of the complicity of some judges with the ‘black plan’ that the government carries out on orders from the empire and with the conspiracy of the Bolivian right,” he wrote in X.

The leader of the opposition bench, Carlos Mesa, celebrated the court decision. “Evo Morales and [seu então vice Álvaro] García Linera violated the Constitution […] with the complicity of the Plurinational Constitutional Court”, he wrote.

Áñez, who remains in prison, also applauded the review of the law, which according to her put “an end to Evo Morales’ delusion of being re-elected forever”.

Morales expressed his desire to run for presidential elections in 2025 amid verbal confrontations with Luis Arce, current president and former political ally as well as Minister of Economy during almost his entire term since 2006.

After the courts validated the re-elections in 2017, then-president Evo Morales resigned in 2019 amid social upheaval that erupted following opposition accusations of electoral fraud.

Evo was replaced by Jeanine Añez, who is currently facing trials and convictions for a coup d’état.


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