Turkish President also said NATO countries were “fueling the fire” in Ukraine

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Justice and Development Party, right), told reporters this Thursday (11.Jul.2024) that President Joe Biden (Democratic Party) and the US government are “accomplices” of alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza. The Turkish leader also said that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) countries “feed the fire” in Ukraine.

“The US administration, however, disregards these violations and provides Israel with the utmost support. They do so at the expense of being complicit in these violations.”these. “At this juncture, who is going to impose any kind of sanctions against Israel for violating international law? That is the real question and no one is answering it.”he stated.

In an interview, Erdogan also mentioned the “brutal murder” of civilians by Israel and attacks on hospitals and aid centers, which he said constituted war crimes.

Israel denies the war crimes charges, saying it does not deliberately target civilians in its conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The conflict has resulted in more than 38,867 Palestinian deaths and 1,139 Israelis, according to the Al Jazeera (state broadcaster of the Qatari monarchy).

The Turkish president is a staunch critic of Israeli policies in Gaza, frequently expressing support for the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Talso already it found with the leader of the extremist group, Ishmael Haniyeh, em April.

Furthermore, Erdogan touched on Turkey-Russia and Turkey-China relations, as well as Ankara’s recent contacts with the BRICS+ groupings and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), emphasizing a diplomatic approach “win-win”.

“We are an unwavering NATO ally [Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte]. However, we do not believe that this will impede our ability to establish positive relationships with nations such as China and Russia.”Erdogan said.

Despite the statements, Turkey is an important historical ally of NATO and the United States, but maintains positions that contradict other Western countries.

In the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, for example, Erdogan chose not to apply sanctions against Moscow and positioned himself as “neutral part” in the conflict.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/biden-e-eua-sao-cumplices-de-crimes-de-israel-em-gaza-diz-erdogan/

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