Profiles on social media shared excerpts from the event to criticize the mental health and age of the US president

Internet users shared on X (formerly Twitter) moments of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, considered “embarrassing” during the ceremony celebrating the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The event was held this Thursday (June 6, 2024) in Normandy (France).

In one of the videos, the Democrat greets French President Emmanuel Macron, and then locks himself into a semi-squatting position as he almost sits on a chair behind him. The record was shared by RNC Research, an X account managed by former President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee.

“Compelling”said the publication when releasing the image.

The US president’s action created a debate on social media. Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., commented on the episode.

“Is there a point when Americans realize how much of an embarrassment this is on the world stage? Does this kind of incompetence and weakness encourage our enemies to act the way they are acting? Of course!”wrote in a publication on X.

However, other internet users justified Biden’s attitude because he was supposedly waiting for the end of the speech he was giving at the time to sit down.

At another point, the US president appeared to be sleeping during the ceremony. Commenting on Biden’s alleged nap, American investor Collin Rugg said that “this is what you get when you elect a president who is older than D-Day.”

Another record published by RNC Research shows Biden leaving the ceremony site hand in hand with First Lady Jill Biden, while the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, greets military personnel and war veterans who participated in the event. The page stated that the Democrat was “escorted” by his wife.

Users shared the record and questioned Biden’s action. “Jill Biden just removed Joe from the Normandy event, while Macron stayed with the veterans. What is happening?”wrote one internet user.

“Things are not going well in France. When will this farce of a presidency end? Joe is not well”said an X user.

Biden’s age and cognitive aptitude have been recurring themes on social media, with the president making several gaffes during his tenure in the White House.

O Wall Street Journal published on Tuesday (June 4, 2024) a long report detailing moments in which the US president showed signs of disconnection in conversations, closed his eyes and appeared to have memory confusion.

Over several months, the newspaper interviewed more than 45 people, including Republicans and Democrats who attended meetings with Biden or were briefed on those meetings, as well as administration officials.

According to the Wall Street Journal, most of those interviewed who noticed signs of aging in Biden belong to the Republican Party, although some Democrats also reported similar situations.


In his statements this Thursday (June 6), the US president stated that the “dark forces” than the Allies (alliance formed by France, the United Kingdom, the USA and, later, the USSR) They fought on June 6, 1944, in the Second World War, they did not disappear.

He also stated that the struggle between dictatorships and freedom is “endless” and that the Ukraine is a clear example of this because it was invaded by a “they pull”.

According to the Democrat, D-Day proved that democracy is stronger than any army in the world. “What the Allies did 80 years ago far surpasses anything we could have done alone”these.


On June 6, 1944, Allied troops invaded the beaches of Normandy, France, with the aim of liberating Europe from Nazi Germany. The so-called Operation Overlord is known as the largest land military maneuver in history and marked the “beginning of the end” of the Second World War and the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler.

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