US President had moments of mental confusion and confused his vice president with Trump; earlier, he had already called Zelensky Putin

US President Joe Biden (Democrat) reiterated that he is the most qualified person to run for president for the Democratic Party. But during a speech to journalists on Thursday (July 11), he made another gaffe. He coughed, stuttered and, at one point, confused his vice president, Kamala Harris, with his opponent, Donald Trump (Republican).

At the beginning of the press conference, when asked about his confidence in Harris as a possible replacement for the Democratic nomination, Biden was wrong to say “I would not have chosen Vice President Trump to be Vice President”. But when he returned to the topic, he said he would not have chosen Harris for vice president if he did not believe she was qualified.

Biden had already made a blunder earlier this Thursday (July 11). He confused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with Russian Vladimir Putin. The countries have been at war since 2022. When asked about the switch, he laughed and emphasized that it was just a mistake.

The president answered questions from reporters on Thursday (July 11) shortly after closing the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) leaders’ summit in Washington, DC.

The interview was yet another attempt to prove he is fit to continue in the 2024 presidential race. He was repeatedly asked by reporters about the topic, including whether he had taken mental fitness tests, to which he replied that he had, but stating that people will never be satisfied no matter what he does.“If my doctors recommend another test, I will do it.”he stated.

The fact is: Biden is 81 years old and has shown weaknesses when pressed. He stutters, rambles and seems to have difficulty completing his thoughts. He will be 86 at the end of his second term, if he is reelected in November.

Biden has stated more than once that he will continue in the presidential race and that it is time to stop discussing his withdrawal. He has the support of some important figures in the party, but others believe he will lose to Trump. Today he declared again that he is not considering withdrawing. “I believe I am the most qualified person for the job. I beat Trump once and I can do it again.”.

The president also deflected questions that would have put him in an awkward position to talk about what he accomplished during his term and how he plans to proceed if he returns to the White House, following his campaign strategy that he must remain in office to “finish the job”.

“I am not in the race for my legacy. I am to finish the work I started.”these.

Taking advantage of the NATO summit, Biden highlighted his foreign policy. He reiterated US support for Ukraine and stated that he would not “will bow” for President Vladimir Putin. He also insisted on the possibility of a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, saying that the time has come for the war in the Middle East to come to an end.


The Democrat’s age is an obstacle to his possible reelection. His cognitive aptitude has become a topic of discussion in the election campaign due to the blunders he has been making during his term. If he wins the November election, Biden will be 86 years old when he leaves office.

There are video recordings of several embarrassing situations in which Biden stumbles, shows weakness or even has memory lapses. A recent report by Wall Street Journal interviewed dozens of people and reports that the country’s president often dozes off during meetings.

In June, the American newspaper also published a long report listing moments in which Biden makes mistakes, such as disconnecting from conversations, closing his eyes and giving the impression of having some memory confusion.


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