This is the 14th edition of the meeting. Rodrigo Pacheco, president of the Senate, and 9 governors participate. Watch live on the Poder360 YouTube channel

Grupo Lide will hold this Tuesday (May 14, 2024) the 14th edition of Like Investment Forum New York (USA). The event brings together politicians, authorities and businesspeople to debate Brazil’s political and economic scenario and the investment potential in the country.

9 state governors and several senators and federal deputies participate. The president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), had confirmed his presence but postponed it due to the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. The president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), participated remotely.

The meeting is held at the Harvard Club, one of the most traditional in the city. The digital newspaper Poder360 broadcasts the event on the YouTube channel.

Watch, live, from 9am:

Lide was founded in 2003 by the former governor of São Paulo João Doria. Today, it is chaired by his son João Doria Neto. The chairman is Luiz Fernando Furlan. He was Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade in the 1st and 2nd governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT).

Here is the schedule for Tuesday – Brasília time:

Opening (9am to 9:30am)

  • Michel Temer – former president of Brazil (2016-2018);
  • Luiz Fernando Furlan – chairman of Lide and former minister;
  • João Doria Neto – president of Lide;
  • João Doria – Co-chairman of Lide and former governor of São Paulo (2019-2022);
  • Simoni Morato – president of the Brazil-United States Chamber of Commerce;
  • Fernanda Baggio – president of Lide Nova York;
  • Alexandre Birman – CEO da Arezzo&Co e Person of the Year.

Opening conference – 2024 North American elections and the impacts for Brazil (9:30 am to 9:45 am)

  • Michael Stott – Latin America editor at the Financial Times.

Panel 1 – The new vision of Brazil (9:45-10:20)

  • Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) – president of the Senate (remotely);
  • Davi Alcolumbre (União Brasil-AP) – senator and president of the CCJ;
  • Ciro Nogueira (PP-PI) – senator and former minister of the Civil House;
  • Tereza Cristina (PP-MS) – senator and former minister of Agriculture.
  • Marcos Pereira (Republicanos-SP) – federal deputy and president of the Republicans;
  • Elmar Nascimento (União Brasil-BA) – federal deputy;
  • Aguinaldo Ribeiro (PP-PB) – federal deputy;
  • Dani Cunha (União Brasil-RJ) – federal deputy;
  • Dyogo Oliveira – president of CNSeg.

Panel 2 – Options in Brazil for new international investments (10:20 am to 12 pm)

  • Wilson Lima (União Brasil) – governor of Amazonas;
  • Renato Casagrande (PSB) – governor of Espírito Santo;
  • Mauro Mendes (União Brasil) – governor of Mato Grosso;
  • Eduardo Riedel (PSDB) – governor of Mato Grosso do Sul;
  • Romeu Zema (New) – governor of Mina Gerais;
  • Helder Barbalho (MDB) – governor of Pará;
  • Gladson Cameli (PP) – governor of Acre;
  • Ratinho Júnior (PSD) – governor of Paraná;
  • Claudio Castro (PL) – governor of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Henrique Meirelles – former Minister of Finance;
  • Gustavo Werneck – CEO of Gerdau;
  • Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi – president of the board of Bradesco;
  • Paulo Henrique Costa – president of BRB;
  • Isaac Sidney – president of Febraban.

Conclusions and closing (12pm to 12:30pm)

  • Luiz Fernando Furlan – chairman of Lide;
  • João Doria Neto – president of Lide;
  • João Doria – Co-Chairman of Lide.


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