The former president of Argentina, Mauricio Macri, announced on Sunday (26) on his social networks that he will not participate in the next presidential elections. Macri said that the country is “adrift” and criticized the “paternalistic leaders”, but stressed that he will not run for election.

“I will not be a candidate in the next elections. And I do so convinced that we must expand the political space for the change that we have initiated”, he communicated in the video.

The former president also said he was confident that “we will no longer be trampled by populism”.

During his term (2015-2019), Argentina contracted a loan of US$ 45 billion with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and aligned itself with economic austerity adjustments.

According to a poll by Zuban Córdoba y Asociados, released in the last week of January, 68.4% of respondents said they “would never vote” for Macri, a rejection that is only surpassed by that of current president Alberto Fernández, with 80.7%.

The two candidates leading the poll of voting intentions are the former president and current vice-president, Cristina Kirchner – who is undergoing a lawsuit and has already declared that she will not run for this year’s elections – and the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. The first stage of the process of choosing the new Argentine representative will take place on October 22nd, and a possible second round on November 19th.

Editing: Patricia de Matos


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