Cuba awaits another hurricane with apprehension. photo Irene Perez/ Cubadebate

In the early hours of this Monday (21), the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, acknowledged that the country is going through an “exceptional situation”, marked by two simultaneous events: an energy emergency and the imminent passage of Hurricane Oscar across the eastern provinces. According to the official newspaper Granmathe energy crisis is the result of fuel shortages, worsened by the long economic war imposed by the United States.

“The lack of fuel is directly linked to the financial and energy persecution promoted by the US government, which prevents obtaining a stable supply so that the system can operate fully,” said Díaz-Canel.

He stated that Cuban teams have been working tirelessly to stabilize the electrical system, but constant disconnections, including one that occurred on Sunday, have made the process difficult. The Cuban government is seeking to reorganize energy generation by region to mitigate the effects of the blackout that has left millions of Cubans in the dark since last Friday (18).

Hurricane Oscar and emergency measures

With the arrival of Hurricane Oscar, Cuban authorities issued a cyclonic warning for the eastern provinces. As part of preventive measures, the government suspended non-essential administrative activities and classes on October 21, 22 and 23, prioritizing vital services for the population.

The president highlighted the resilience of the Cuban people in the face of the crisis, also praising the work of professionals in the electricity sector. However, he criticized a small group of people who, on Saturday night, were involved in acts of vandalism, most of them drunk. Díaz-Canel warned that the Revolution will not tolerate this type of behavior and assured that those involved will be strictly held accountable.

International solidarity and Mexican support

In the midst of the crisis, Cuba received demonstrations of solidarity from several countries and international organizations. THE Cebrapaz (Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the People and Fight for Peace) and the PCdoB issued notes, expressing support for the Cuban people. The entities condemn the US economic blockade, pointing to it as the main responsible for the island’s energy crisis.

The National Political Commission of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) provided solidarity with the Cuban people. The note highlights the urgency of ending the economic blockade imposed by the United States, which has had a negative impact on the economy and the lives of the Cuban population for more than six decades. The PCdoB reaffirms its commitment to seeking support and assistance for the Cuban people, emphasizing the importance of Cuba’s sovereignty and self-determination.

“US imperialism continues its policy of economic strangulation, trying to generate social dissatisfaction to provoke a political crisis in Cuba. This strategy attacks the human rights of the Cuban people and violates their national sovereignty”, highlighted the Cebrapazasking the Brazilian government to help Cuba in this emergency.

Mexico also announced support, providing a line of credit of up to US$20 million to help with the recovery of Cuba’s energy infrastructure, according to the agency Cuba Harold. The credit offer aims to allow a quick solution to the damage to the electricity grid, worsened by the lack of fuel and the blockade. Additionally, the Mexican government is considering the construction of a refinery in Cuba, inspired by the Dos Bocas oil plant, located in Tabasco, to strengthen energy collaboration between the nations.

Challenges ahead

With the imminent threat of Hurricane Oscar and the energy crisis, Cuba is facing one of the most challenging times in recent times. The Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy, informed that the full recovery of the National Electric System is being planned for the next few days, with a focus on bringing stability and minimizing impacts on the population.

International solidarity and emerging cooperation, combined with the resilience of the Cuban people, will be crucial to face this exceptional situation, as the government seeks internal and external solutions to mitigate the effects of the crisis.

Read the full notes from Cebrapaz and PCdoB:

Cebrapaz (Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the People and Fight for Peace) expresses its deepest solidarity with the Cuban people, who, with resilience and dignity, face a serious energy crisis caused by multiple factors, aggravated mainly by the criminal economic blockade imposed by the United States .

The blackouts that have affected the island in recent days are the result of a system of economic persecution established more than six decades ago, intensified during Donald Trump’s administration and maintained by the also reactionary government of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We strongly condemn this government for perpetuating the cruel and inhumane policy, which has already brought and continues to bring immense suffering to the Cuban population.

US imperialism continues its invariable policy of attempting to impose economic strangulation to generate social dissatisfaction and provoke a political crisis. This imperialist strategy not only violates the human rights of the Cuban people, but also violates the basic principle of national sovereignty.

The cruel blockade is ultimately the factor that hinders the maintenance of Cuba’s energy system and delays the capacity for repairs.

The Cuban government, despite enormous difficulties, continues to seek alternatives and solutions to overcome the crisis, persists on the path of firmly defending its sovereignty and revolutionary principles, resisting external pressures that aim to impose a model of subservience to imperialist interests.

The Brazilian government, in solidarity with Cuba, in a dramatic moment like this, is called upon to help the friendly country. Brazilian progressive forces, including political parties and popular movements, must also engage in a special campaign to support Cuba.

São Paulo, October 20, 2024

José Reinaldo Carvalho
President of Cebrapaz (Center for Solidarity with People and the Fight for Peace)

Below is the note in full.

Cuba and its people need our solidarity

In recent days, the Cuban people have been going through an extremely dramatic situation that was absolutely avoidable, were it not for the brutal economic blockade they have suffered for more than six decades.

Since October 18th, energy instability, caused by a failure at the Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Power Plant, resulted in the total disconnection of the National Electric Energy System, which had already been suffering a deficit of 30% to 40% in national coverage. Since then, the National Electrical Union has been working to restore the system.

President Miguel Díaz Canel, who deserves all our solidarity, spoke in the first minutes and informed the absolute priority and attention dedicated to solving the energy contingency, without rest until the system is reestablished.

As if the difficult conditions were not enough, the island was also hit, on Sunday, October 20, by Hurricane Oscar, with winds of up to 130 kilometers per hour. And we sympathize with those affected in the provinces of Guantánamo, Santiago de Cuba, Holguín, Granma, Las Tunas and Camaguey.

It is urgent that the blockade imposed by the USA since 1962, after including Cuba on the false list of countries sponsoring terrorism, and which has caused serious problems for the island and its entire population, be lifted immediately! The Cuban people have fought bravely to maintain their sovereignty as a country whose government must decide how, when and in what way it wants to interact and trade.

We convey our solidarity to the Cuban people and government in yet another moment that requires an enormous internal effort to overcome! Our activists, political leaders and the group of leaders will spare no effort to find ways to bring concrete help to the Cuban people from Brazil.

PCdoB National Political Committee


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