Published 10/30/2024 15:33 | Edited 10/30/2024 15:34
Argentina’s main transport unions began a 24-hour strike at midnight this Wednesday (30) in protest against a series of austerity measures by President Javier Milei. The protest affects the operation of trains, planes, trucks, taxis, boats and port activities.
Brazilian airlines have canceled flights arriving or departing from Argentina. Aerolíneas Argentinas reported that at least 27,000 passengers were affected.
“It’s a big national day of protest. Much more than a transport strike. The fight is not just for sectoral issues, but for Education, Health, pensions and everything that this government is destroying”, warns aeronautical sector union leader Juan Pablo Brey.
Public employees, university students, students and other unions also united against the government adjustment and devaluation of salaries, while social movements announced community kitchens and roadblocks across the country.
“We are fighting not only for sectoral issues, but for education, health, retirees and everything that this government is destroying,” declared the general secretary of the Argentine Association of Aeronauts, Juan Pablo Brey, on Tuesday.
The main bus drivers union did not join the strike, awaiting negotiations, but announced a strike for this Thursday (31).
Since taking office in December, Milei has implemented harsh economic deregulation measures and cuts in public spending, resulting in a surplus in public accounts. But the domestic economy is suffering from a recession, with inflation that in September was 209% and poverty that in the first half of the year reached 52.9% of the population.
Source: vermelho.org.br