The message was written and published by the Parti de la France; after negative repercussions, the post was deleted

During the snap elections in France, an election poster for the right-wing French party Parti de la France, released by candidate Pierre-Nicolas Nups, caused controversy. The poster, featuring a blond, blue-eyed boy under the slogan “let’s give white children a future”was reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office on June 25 by the mayor of Neuves-Maisons, Pascal Schneider, for allegedly inciting racial hatred.

The poster, displayed in public places, including schools, provoked outrage among residents. Schneider criticized the message, considering it a “pprovocation to discrimination, hatred or violence of a racist nature“In response, the Parti de la France replaced the posters with ones with anti-immigration messages, according to information from France Media Agency.

The incident highlights the growing polarization in French politics, marked by the rise of right-wing parties such as the RN (National Rally), led by Marine Le Pen. The party won the most votes in the first round of the elections on Sunday (June 30), with 34% of the votes.

The percentage could give the party 297 of the 577 seats. That is, a number greater than the absolute majority of 289. The total is necessary for the party to be able to nominate its candidate for prime minister. Jordan Bardella, 28, is the favorite.

A second round of voting will be held on July 7 in electoral districts where no candidate obtained more than 50% in the first round.


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