The politician was the main member of the cabinet and announced that he would leave the government on June 9

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has dissolved the 6-member war cabinet, according to the Israeli government’s announcement this Monday (June 17, 2024). The action marks a change in Israel’s war strategy, excluding right-wing allies and aiming to consolidate control over strategic decisions related to the conflict in Gaza and tensions on the border with Lebanon.

The restructuring follows the departure of former centrist general Benny Gantz from the government on June 9, 2024, which triggered a reconfiguration of Israel’s approach to the security challenges it faces. The information is from Reuters.

Netanyahu, under increasing pressure both internally and from international partners, including the United States, opted for a leaner structure for consultations on the war in Gaza. This new group will include key figures such as Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer.

Gantz’s departure and the subsequent dissolution of the war cabinet reflect the deep divisions within the Israeli government and the complexity of the security situation. Gantz and his partner, Gadi Eisenkot, left the government citing the lack of a cohesive strategy for the Gaza conflict.

Netanyahu’s decision not to include right-wing figures such as Itamar Ben-Gvir suggests a maneuver to avoid worsening tensions with international partners.

Netanyahu intends to make key decisions in meetings with his own advisers, excluding Ben-Gvir, before presenting them to the security cabinet. This strategy has significant political implications.


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