The Alagoas Charter received favorable approval from around 170 representatives from 26 countries; Arthur Lira, Speaker of the Chamber, participated in the event

Around 170 female parliamentarians from 26 countries approved recommendations this Tuesday (June 2, 2024) to increase women’s participation in political decisions and promote economic and productive equality between men and women. The Alagoas Charter was approved during the 1st Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of the P20, the G20 legislative forum, in Maceió.

The recommendations include expanding public funding to promote equality between men and women and seeking to include women’s rights in the policies, budgets and institutions of G20 countries, in addition to adopting measures that value unpaid care and domestic work.

They also recommended the adoption of quotas, reserved seats and financing to increase women’s participation in power and achieve parity in elected and administrative positions.

When participating in the event, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), said that he will take to the G20 parliamentarians’ meeting in November the proposal so that, from now on, all countries can hold meetings of female parliamentarians before the annual meetings.

The P20 women’s meeting must now be an essential element of the calendar of upcoming presidencies”, he declared.

In an interview before the end of the meeting, Lira defended that a gradation for the quota of female candidates for municipal, state and federal legislatures be discussed.

Instead of requiring 30% of candidates, which often do not result in any type of seat, we can create a gradation that can be assimilated by municipal chambers, legislative assemblies and the Chamber of Deputies.”, these.

According to him, currently 18% of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies are occupied by women, but the average for G20 countries is higher than Brazil’s.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of the UN (United Nations), UN Women, Mercosur, the European Union and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

With information from Agência Brasil.


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