foto: Acnur/Abdoulatif Halidou

The UN Refugee Agency ‘UNHCR’ (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) released an annual report that points to the sad record of 120 million forcibly displaced people around the world.

According to the entity, the numbers were increased by the conflicts taking place in Sudan and Gaza (Palestine). The war in Gaza perpetrated by Israel generated 1.7 million displaced Palestinians (75% of the population) by the end of 2023. The civil war in Sudan generated 10.8 million displaced people.

In the Global Displacement Trends 2024 report, launched this Thursday (13), in Geneva (Switzerland), it is revealed that the number of forcibly displaced people has doubled in 10 years, rising from 59.2 million in 2014 to current 120 million.

In data computed up to May, the UN Agency indicates that a total of 43.4 million refugees are in urgent need of protection and 6.9 million people are “awaiting a decision on their legal refugee status” in other countries. countries.

Read more: UN chief appeals against agency funding cut for refugees

At the end of 2023, the total number of forcibly displaced people was 117.3 million, due to “persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events that seriously disrupt public order.”

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, the alarming numbers should draw the attention of the global community to solutions that put an end to forced displacement, as well as for countries at war to respect international conventions that protect civilians.

The largest increase in the number of displaced people are people fleeing conflicts, but remaining in their own country, as is the case in Gaza. These are understood as internally displaced people and there are 43.4 million.

As an example of the size of the humanitarian tragedy, if the forcibly displaced people made up a country, it would be the 12th largest in the world in terms of number of inhabitants, highlights the UNHCR: slightly smaller than the population of Japan (125.1 million) and Mexico (127 ,5 million).

The report highlights that Syria is the country that has caused the largest number of displaced people, 13.8 million, including internally displaced people and those in other countries.

Additionally, Brazil and other South American countries are highlighted for their robust regularization campaigns for refugees and migrants, the majority of whom are migrants from Venezuela.

*UN/UNHCR information


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