PT member called Donald Trump a liar and said that the US election can help improve or worsen the whole world

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) said this Monday (1st July 204) that the North American debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump exposed the “fragility” of the Democratic candidate. For the PT candidate, however, the decision on whether or not to continue in the election should be his, because only Biden knows his real state of health.

“If he’s in good shape, he’s a candidate. If he thinks he’s in good shape, great. But if he’s not, they’d better make a decision. What was annoying and unpleasant was that in the debate they exposed Biden’s fragility a lot.”declared Lula.

US presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump faced off in a debate for the first time in four years on Thursday (June 27, 2024). For 90 minutes, the Republican launched aggressive attacks on the Democrat, who appeared wavering and confused at various points.

The former president again made unfounded claims about the 2020 election, while Biden spoke quickly and at times seemed to lose his way in his responses. He accused the Republican of lying and posing a threat to democracy.

Lula, in a radio interview Princesa from Feira de Santana (BA), called Trump a liar. He also stated that the US elections are important for the whole world.

“And on the other side, a lying citizen, because he said, according to the New York Times, he told 101 lies in the debate and on the other side, Biden is a bit slow to respond to things, but the one who knows about his health is him, not me.”these.

And he added: “I think it has to be taken into account, because the election in the United States is very important for the rest of the world, it is not for the US, it is for the world.”

FHC and Sarney

The PT member said he recently visited people over 80 years old who are in good health “precarious”. The examples cited by Lula were former presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso and José Sarney.

“I went to visit Fernando Henrique Cardoso last week, he is 93 years old, but his head is fine. He speaks more slowly because of his age. I went to visit all the people who are over 80 and are in a precarious state of health.”these.

Regarding Sarney, Lula stated that despite his age (94 years old) he is still well and thinking about the 2026 elections.

“I went to visit President Sarney this week in Maranhão, he is 94 years old, and he is worried about the 2026 elections. I thought he was retired, but he is not. His little head is going a thousand miles an hour.”he declared.


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