Registration was made in 2003, during nighttime in the State; shows the lighting of the historic part of the region and the coast of Santos

A NASA (United States Special Agency) astronaut published on Sunday (June 16, 2024) a nighttime image of the city of São Paulo seen from space. The record released by Don Petit was made in 2003, from the International Space Station (ISS).

“São Paulo, Brazil, at night, showing a patchwork of mercury and sodium vapor lighting visible from the International Space Station.”wrote the astronaut on X (formerly Twitter).

In the post, Don Petit explains that the blue-green part appears in the oldest central region of the capital of São Paulo, the result of older mercury vapor lighting. In the city’s newest surroundings, the yellowish light stands out, with sodium vapor.

According to the astronaut, the most isolated part of the lighting comes from the coastal region of Santos (SP), close to the Atlantic Ocean.


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