Two protesters from the group Animal Rising pasted a cartoon from the animation “Wallace and Gromit” on the official painting of the king

Activists from the group Animal Rising vandalized this Tuesday (June 11, 2024) the official portrait of King Charles III, displayed at the Philip Mold gallery, in London. Protesters pasted an image of the character Wallace under the screen, with a speech bubble that said: “No cheese, Gromit. Look at all this cruelty on RSPCA farms.”.

The act was recorded at 12pm local time (8am Brasília time). The protest criticized the conditions of farms certified by the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), as shown in a report released by the group on Sunday (June 9).

Watch (20s):

Animal Rising’s investigation finds 280 legal breaches across 45 farms in the UK. These are breeding grounds for chickens, pigs, salmon and trout.

The protesters involved in the action claim that the protest is an appeal to King Charles, a fan of the Wallace and Gromit animation. “While we hope this will be entertaining for Her Majesty, we also urge her to seriously reconsider whether she wishes to be associated with the terrible suffering on RSPCA-supported farms.”they declared in a statement.


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