The Svom mission will observe explosions or mergers of more distant stars, called gamma bursts.

China and France launched this Saturday (June 22, 2024) a satellite with the aim of obtaining information about the formation of the universe. The Svom mission is expected to last 3 years.

The technology was developed in collaboration between the CNSA (China National Space Administration) and the CNES (National Center for Space Studies), France.

Watch the rocket that took the satellite into space take off:

From the mission, it will be possible to detect and study the explosions or mergers of more distant stars, called gamma explosions. According to CNES, gamma ray bursts are complex events to observe due to their transience.

“During the explosion, this brief and intense gamma glow is usually followed by an emission of X-rays, as well as visible light radiation that can be observed for a few days. To effectively detect, locate and study all these phenomena, Svom has 4 instruments: 2 designed and built by China and 2 by France”CNES said in a statement.

The mission, launch, satellite and operations of the Svom mission are under Chinese responsibility. The design and production of terrestrial instruments and components are shared between China and France.

According to CNES, some gamma-ray bursts occur when two neutron stars, or a neutron star and a black hole, orbit each other, before approaching each other and merging. It is also being studied whether the explosions are linked to the sudden death of very massive stars in distant galaxies.

“Therefore, before reaching us, the light from these stars traverses several billion light years and thus takes on the imprint of the multiple eras of the Universe. In other words, studying gamma ray bursts contributes to a better understanding of the formation of our Universe.”says CNES.


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